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Associates > Advantages
Mutualisation of Marketing & Sales ressources

Through its marketing & sales platform, the Alliance contributes to increase its associates sales by sollicitating them in priority.
Plus they beneficiate of free dedicated marketing support.

Each associate remains completely independent

Making their business as usual : the Alliance is a pure additional business & marketing force, non interfering on local businesses.

Improvement of each associate's communication
The Alliance communicates its associates list in all communication actions : press, PR, communiqués, ads, etc.
Strong image momentum gain

Combining the Alliance communication based on highly qualitative selective associates network to scale gain leveraging effect

More powerfull exclusive  offer

The alliance proposes an exclusive range of transversal offers such as program cards available on its whole network, proposed by each associate, guaranteed through the alliance operation.

Collaborative work space

True and concrete place to exchange and share best practices on marketing, business and technics aspects. Reinforced by the non competitive relation between associates.
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