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Communications / Contributions

The FFA founders contribute and communicate regularly in specialised business aviation magazines their vision of the evolution of their sector : hereunder some links to their last report writtings in the european magazine reference, ULTIMATE JET:

- Ultimate Jet N°3
Alain Dominique Perrin : portrait of a Grand Luxe icon
Bi-lingual, 6 pages..................download

- Ultimate Jet N°4
BizAv 2.0 : Why we shall get to it
Bi-lingual, 8 pages..................download

- Ultimate Jet N°5
European Business Aviation Européenne : what positionning at short run ?
Bi-lingual, 7 pages..................download

- Ultimate Jet N°6
Aero(nautics) planes : and it's going shaky
Bi-lingual, 8 pages..................download

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